89 research outputs found

    What causes the high apparent speeds in chromospheric and transition region spicules on the Sun?

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    Spicules are the most ubuiquitous type of jets in the solar atmosphere. The advent of high-resolution imaging and spectroscopy from the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) and ground-based observatories has revealed the presence of very high apparent motions of order 100-300 km/s in spicules, as measured in the plane of the sky. However, line-of-sight measurements of such high speeds have been difficult to obtain, with values deduced from Doppler shifts in spectral lines typically of order 30-70 km/s. In this work we resolve this long-standing discrepancy using recent 2.5D radiative MHD simulations. This simulation has revealed a novel driving mechanism for spicules in which ambipolar diffusion resulting from ion-neutral interactions plays a key role. In our simulation we often see that the upward propagation of magnetic waves and electrical currents from the low chromosphere into already existing spicules can lead to rapid heating when the currents are rapidly dissipated by ambipolar diffusion. The combination of rapid heating and the propagation of these currents at Alfv\'enic speeds in excess of 100 km/s leads to the very rapid apparent motions, and often wholesale appearance, of spicules at chromospheric and transition region temperatures. In our simulation, the observed fast apparent motions in such jets are actually a signature of a heating front, and much higher than the mass flows, which are of order 30-70 km/s. Our results can explain the behavior of transition region "network jets" and the very high apparent speeds reported for some chromospheric spicules.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    The Role of Partial Ionization Effects in the Chromosphere

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    The energy for the coronal heating must be provided from the convection zone. The amount and the method by which this energy is transferred into the corona depends on the properties of the lower atmosphere and the corona itself. We review: 1) how the energy could be built in the lower solar atmosphere; 2) how this energy is transferred through the solar atmosphere; and 3) how the energy is finally dissipated in the chromosphere and/or corona. Any mechanism of energy transport has to deal with the various physical processes in the lower atmosphere. We will focus on a physical process that seems to be highly important in the chromosphere and not deeply studied until recently: the ion-neutral interaction effects (INIE) in the chromosphere. We review the relevance and the role of the partial ionization in the chromosphere and show that this process actually impacts considerably the outer solar atmosphere. We include analysis of our 2.5D radiative MHD simulations with the Bifrost code (Gudiksen et al. 2011) including the partial ionization effects on the chromosphere and corona and thermal conduction along magnetic field lines. The photosphere, chromosphere and transition region are partially ionized and the interaction between ionized particles and neutral particles has important consequences on the magneto-thermodynamics of these layers. The INIE are treated using generalized Ohm's law, i.e., we consider the Hall term and the ambipolar diffusion in the induction equation. The interaction between the different species affects the modeled atmosphere as follows: 1) the ambipolar diffusion dissipates magnetic energy and increases the minimum temperature in the chromosphere; 2) the upper chromosphere may get heated and expanded over a greater range of heights. These processes reveal appreciable differences between the modeled atmospheres of simulations with and without INIE.Comment: 25 pages, 3 figures, accepted to be published in Royal Societ

    Observations and numerical models of solar coronal heating associated with spicules

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    This work is supported by NASA (NNG09FA40C; IRIS) and the UK Science and Technology Facilities Council and EU Horizon 2020 research programme (grant No. 647214).Spicules have been proposed as significant contributors to the mass and energy balance of the corona. While previous observations have provided a glimpse of short-lived transient brightenings in the corona that are associated with spicules, these observations have been contested and are the subject of a vigorous debate both on the modeling and the observational side. Therefore, it remains unclear whether plasma is heated to coronal temperatures in association with spicules. We use high-resolution observations of the chromosphere and transition region (TR) with the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph and of the corona with the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory to show evidence of the formation of coronal structures associated with spicular mass ejections and heating of plasma to TR and coronal temperatures. Our observations suggest that a significant fraction of the highly dynamic loop fan environment associated with plage regions may be the result of the formation of such new coronal strands, a process that previously had been interpreted as the propagation of transient propagating coronal disturbances. Our observations are supported by 2.5D radiative MHD simulations that show heating to coronal temperatures in association with spicules. Our results suggest that heating and strong flows play an important role in maintaining the substructure of loop fans, in addition to the waves that permeate this low coronal environment.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Unified fluid-model theory of EXB instabilities in low-ionized collisional plasmas with arbitrarily magnetized multi-species ions

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    This paper develops a unified linear theory of local cross-field plasma instabilities, such as the Farley-Buneman, electron thermal, and ion thermal instabilities, in collisional plasmas with fully or partially unmagnetized multi-species ions. Collisional lasma instabilities in low-ionized, highly dissipative, weakly magnetized plasmas play an important role in the lower Earth's ionosphere and may be of importance in other planet ionospheres, star atmospheres, cometary tails, molecular clouds, accretion disks, etc. In the solar chromosphere, macroscopic effects of collisional plasma instabilities may contribute into significant heating -- an effect originally suggested from spectroscopic observations and relevant modeling. Based on a simplified 5-moment multi-fluid model, the theoretical analysis produces the general linear dispersion relation for the combined Thermal-Farley-Buneman Instability (TFBI). Important limiting cases are analyzed in detail. The analysis demonstrates acceptable applicability of this model for the rocesses under study. Fluid-model simulations usually require much less computer resources than do more accurate kinetic simulations, so that the apparent success of this approach to the linear theory of collisional plasma instabilities makes it possible to investigate the TFBI (along with its possible macroscopic effects) using global fluid codes originally developed for large-scale modeling of the solar and planetary atmospheres.PHY-1903416 - National Science FoundationFirst author draf

    Multi-fluid simulation of solar chromospheric turbulence and heating due to the Thermal Farley-Buneman Instability

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    Models fail to reproduce observations of the coldest parts of the Sun’s atmosphere, where interactions between multiple ionized and neutral species prevent an accurate MHD representation. This paper argues that a meter-scale electrostatic plasma instability develops in these regions and causes heating. We refer to this instability as the Thermal Farley–Buneman Instability (TFBI). Using parameters from a 2.5D radiative MHD Bifrost simulation, we show that the TFBI develops in many of the colder regions in the chromosphere. This paper also presents the first multifluid simulation of the TFBI and validates this new result by demonstrating close agreement with theory during the linear regime. The simulation eventually develops turbulence, and we characterize the resulting wave-driven heating, plasma transport, and turbulent motions. These results all contend that the effects of the TFBI contribute to the discrepancies between solar observations and radiative MHD models.Massachusetts Institute of Technology; PHY-1903416 - National Science FoundationFirst author draf

    Balanced Vehicle Routing: Polyhedral Analysis and Branch-and-Cut Algorithm

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    This paper studies a variant of the unit-demand Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem, namely the Balanced Vehicle Routing Problem, where each route is required to visit a maximum and a minimum number of customers. A polyhedral analysis for the problem is presented, including the dimension of the associated polyhedron, description of several families of facet-inducing inequalities and the relationship between these inequalities. The inequalities are used in a branch-and-cut algorithm, which is shown to computationally outperform the best approach known in the literature for the solution of this problem
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